Nix infamous 2
Nix infamous 2

Very effective when combined with Bolt Stream. This boost causes all forms of the Bolt to recharge Cole as long as they hit an enemy.

nix infamous 2

This boost generates a healing wave over a large radius when Cole heals a downed civilian, also healing all other civilians within that radius. This boost makes Cole's attacks do much less damage to civilians who happen to get caught in the crossfire. These powers are inherent in Cole as he becomes more good. It is aquired by merging powers with Kuo. Civilians and allies are not harmed in this attack. This power will throw a spread of jagged ice out of the ground in an arc in front of Cole, damaging enemies from below. In game terms, these powers are the ultimate Ray Field Energy powers, and like smart-bombs in Devastator or Defender, Cole enjoys limited access to them at all times. The pick-ups are purple concentrations of energy from defeated enemies. Ionic Powers are derived from residual RFE emissions. (Editors' Note: The Frost Shield behaves like the Polarity Shield in the first game, but the size cannot be increased).

nix infamous 2

It also will absorb kinetic energy from those attacks and recharge Cole's reserves. This power creates a shield that Cole can use to block enemy attacks. This power causes a pillar of ice to shoot up from the ground below Cole's feet, tossing him high into the air. Note that Induction Yield and Polarity Wall are no longer present, and powers like Static Thrusters and Car Jump are not listed. This category of powers include: Kinetic Pulse, Lightning Tether and other karma-tied powers you will discover. This rocket consists of a cluster of ice chunks which explode on impact, and will also freeze targeted enemies into place. Only thing I dont like about Infamous was that gas balloon mission, it took me hours to get everything right. Very useful for hitting enemies in cover or on rooftops. Infamous 2 is an improvement upon Infamous, and Infamous was a great game to begin with. Much like the fully upgraded Good-aligned rockets in inFamous 1, this rocket can be launched high into the sky, then re-targeted by firing a bolt at an enemy. Variations will cause the RFE warhead to behave differently, such as splitting apart or even exhibiting target-tracking features. The missile (or Mega-Watt Hammer) is Cole's direct-fire explosive. Enemies caught within the blast radius can sometimes be frozen solid as well. This Grenade consists of a ball of ice particles that explodes on impact. Very useful for taking on the larger swamp creatures like Devourers, Ravagers, and Hive Lords. This Grenade form will stick to whatever it hits, including enemies and scenery. This state cannot exist for long, and the sphere will eventually destabilize and explode, causing great destruction. This is a class of powers that concentrate the RFE into a dense sphere of unstable particles. It throws a cluster of ice spikes out towards enemies, and is gained by merging powers with Kuo. This blast power is an ice-based enhancement of the Alpha Blast. Enemies and objects hit by this power are suspended in the air longer due to a change in their gravity. This blast is an enhancement of the Alpha Blast. Each use of blast will require one battery. This category of powers diffuses the bolt's focus and relies on electro-magnetism and diamagnetism to repel objects from Cole. 7 Bolt Stream shots will drain one battery, as opposed to 15 shots.) Power Category: Blast (Editors' Note: the Bolt Stream seems to be the only Bolt Power which drains batteries at double rate. Also, the Bolt Stream will recharge Cole as he hits active enemies, making the Bolt Stream the most effective form for a Good-Aligned playthrough. The individual blasts are roughly the same power as an Alpha blast, but are launched rapid fire. The downside is that the firing rate is slower, as it takes time to concentrate RFE to fire a projectile of this caliber. Enemies who previously took on several Alpha Bolts can be downed with 30% to 50% fewer shots. Nix appears as a minion that can be unlocked when reached Rank 8 with Evil Cole MacGrath.This bolt creates a potent discharge of RFE.

nix infamous 2

She represents the evil side of Cole MacGrath's karma and can manipulate fire and oil. She has been described to be uncaring and cold often preferring more destructive methods. Nix is one of New Marais' native citizens and is against the Militia due to Bertrand killing her family. Nix is a Minion in PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale originating from InFAMOUS 2.

Nix infamous 2